The Evaluation Report of the BASE project
Programme: Lifelong learning programme, Sub-programme: Grundtvig
Action type: Learning partnership, Action: Grundtvig learning partnerships
Project title: "Bridging Arts by Seniors for Europe",
Project acronym: BASE,
Evaluation activities between September 2013 – July 2015
The evaluation of the BASE project was done in 7 levels.
1. At first, we needed to know the profile of the participants of our project. So we made a questionnaire and/or an interview in order to get the basic information and evaluate their health, artistic skills, the level of English, the level of the computer knowledge, nutritious habits, artistic hobbies, etc..
Every partner did it on his own in every country, because in our project we had participants of the different age and professions: young people from the Spanish orchestra, professional musicians from Turkey and seniors from Poland and Lithuania.
Polish partner
What concerns the Polish partner, at the first meeting of all the participants of the project everybody filled in a special table where it was written about his state of health, his artistic skills and about the level of English and the computer skills. It appeared that nine of them possessed the certificate of physical disability. Not everybody could speak English. Some of them didn't have computer skills. The first film was created concerning the singing skills. This film can be seen on our website:
1.2. The participants of the BASE project from the Spanish Foundation are the first of all the members of the children orchestra. The Spanish partner did a selection among its musicians and designed form table in which some basic profile information about the participants was written. The data recorded were: education, job, skills, the level of English, ICT knowledge, mobility, health, nutritious habits and hobbies but the most important was the performance level and the possibility for the musicians of all ages to participate in project meetings. According to their profiles, we adjusted and planed the mobility activities.
1.3. The Turkish partner designed a form table in which some basic profile information about the mobility of the participants was written. The data recorded were: “education, job, skills, foreign language, ICT knowledge, mobility, health, nutritious habits and hobbies”. According to their profile, the mobility activities differed. For example, some of them participated in a mobility for the first time in their life. Most of them know English and the rest have enough knowledge needed to communicate in English. After the meetings, we noticed that there was no need of an English course. On the other hand, we reviewed some fundamental phrases in English together. All the participants have an appropriate level of information in ICT so that we did not have any difficulty in communication. And also, it was very practical to learn their nutritious habits because we had the chance to arrange food without pork.
1.4. The Lithuanian partner
Potential participants preselected by oral and printed announcements in the Petrasiunai community and it’s community center filled in the personal profile evaluation table with following information: special needs, special nutrition needs, knowledge of computer, internet, e-mail, skype, Facebook, English, Russian, Polish, other languages, health status, health specifics, education, work experience, previous not job related experience (like experience within Petrasiunai community or Petrasiunai community center pointing duration of it), interests and hobbies, skills, practice within Petrasiunai community center (if applicable), work during retirement (if applicable), expectations for the project, artistic skills. Also we collected personal data. The latter was used for signing agreements with PCC for taking part in the project – for responsibilities about rented stage costumes and for taking part in the dissemination of the project after their mobilities also terms and conditions of the mobilities. After recording personal profiles people were distributed for different tasks in the project (for organizing the meeting in Kaunas), also for different mobilities and for different groups of learning English, ICT and Facebook. Special singing training program was also designed based on these data.
2. There was continuous and constant information about every partner’s activities via e-mail and Skype connection. Every partner knew about the artistic activities of other ones because the artistic director of the project coordinated all these activities. The feedback was managed and dealt by the main coordinator and the artistic director of the project. Continuous monitoring was done by every project coordinator.
Cohesion was the main characteristic feature of all the partners' groups, there was a good understanding between them, a very nice integration in spite of the age differences. The constant contact was by e-mails, telephones and on Skype. There were a lot of contacts during which we created common scenarios, information about spectacles and promotion of them, the staff, because every composition in our common spectacles was done by the representatives of every partner's country, as well as posters, programs of project meetings in every partner's country, various articles, the e-book, etc.
The main website of the project and Facebook appeared to be very good tools for monitoring all the activities of the project where all the partners put lots of photos, films, articles as well as photos for the photo contest in Kaunas.
3. The evaluation of the project meetings and other activities were performed by the participants by filling in the relevant evaluation forms and questionnaires, after each project meeting and making the summary of them by all partners. The results were summed up and published on the BASE website by the Lithuanian partner.
At the end of every project meeting all the participants filled in the evaluation forms. It was very important because it helped us to improve our activities. At the end of the project the common evaluation report was created where marks from the evaluation forms were summed up.
After every project meeting all the participants of that meeting also filled in the questionnaire created by Rūta Vaitkevičiūtė from Lithuania, in which they answered the questions about advantages of all the activities and described their opinions about the project meeting. All these questionnaires were summed up by her and put on 2 project websites. You can find it in the enclosure No.1 of this report.
When considered all the questionnaires after every project meeting the final evaluation was concluded as in the following:
The Fulfillment of Expectations:
All the partners were fully satisfied. At the kick-off meeting, there were some unclear points especially about the common spectacle. This situation turned to a total satisfaction after a sincere correspondence between partners before the first project meeting in Poland.
A good experience was gained at the rehearsals and concerts during the first project meeting and it helped to improve other concerts at the next 3 meetings.
As a result at the last project meeting, the coordination between partners has reached a valuable level, resulting no trouble. A very interesting activity was the photo contest. The criteria determined at the kick-off meeting were fully applied and the winners of the contest were voted by the participants of each project meeting via project website and were selected by a committee.
The participants of all the countries and of all ages built up the concrete friendship at the end. So all the participants definitely decided that there were no need of any kind of prejudices.
The Quality of the Arrangements:
Like every document, the schedules and programmers were prepared with all partners’ decisions. Meetings were very well organized by all the host partners. All the arrangements about the meeting rooms, rehearsal places, concert halls were absolutely perfect. The transport choices from/to the airport to the host city, accommodation, meals, cultural visits were all discussed and decided together.
The Effectiveness of the Communication:
The partners exploited various channels for communication effectively, efficiently and always in time. There was no delay. The documents were shared transparently and prepared jointly if necessary. E-mails, the website/blog, BASE FACEBOOK, DROPBOX, the BASE website on the UTA platform, were the main tools. When sending any message, every partner shared the content with all the project participants.
The Organization of Meetings:
The host partners organized the meetings very carefully because the agenda was always very busy. The concerts were the main activities of our project, the time management was made very critically with enough rehearsals and comfortable transport to the concert places. Besides, the presentations at the meeting were always as they should be. All the participants had very important information about the host partners, cities and countries. The cultural visits showed that participants of the project could gain a very interesting experience by such a partnership, which is not possible by reading or by an ordinary travelling.
The Greatest Impression:
Music can naturally build a concrete bridge between nations. All the partners are proud of this impression because at the beginning of our project we have dreamed of Bridging Arts by Seniors for Europe /BASE/. and our dreams have come true.
The Improvement:
The limits of the grant restricted performing more complicated artistic activities. Actually, it was not possible to foresee such a great success. Consequently, if the partners could have formed an orchestra with more musicians, we would have performed more acoustic.
4. During every project meeting, the coordinators' meeting took place, partially devoted to the internal evaluation, to check the project objectives and the participants' satisfaction. Some appropriate project modifications were planned and carried out.
Coordinators' meetings were held during project meetings in every country where all the activities were discussed and appreciated. The list of common final products was established as well as the persons responsible for the evaluation report, the e-book, blog, Facebook, the film with all common spectacles, etc. After finishing of the project meeting every partner has done the mobility report which was very important for making the final report. You can find these reports on the BASE website and in Dropbox.
5. The final project meeting focused on all summaries, outcomes and reports which every partner ought to do and what activities of every partner was generally evaluated. Its outcome was put on 2 BASE project websites, on the EST base website and in an e-publication.
During the last project meeting in Kaunas at the coordinators' meeting all the points concerning the finishing of the project were discussed: the evaluation report, common final products, the e-book, the final report, the film with all common spectacles, and the summary of the questionnaires which Rūta Vaitkevičiūtė ought to do, etc.. The main coordinator of the project created the first version of final common products which were included by all the partners in their final report and the first version of the evaluation report.
6. Participants' competence growth evaluation: based on the initial profile of the participants, it was being monitored how their specific competencies evolved (for example: artistic skills, the level of English, educational competencies, the project management, presentation skills). It was recommended that such evaluation should take place, at least, twice during the project (at the beginning and after the completion of the project).
Every partner realized this task independently in its own way, because of different participants of the project in every country: beginning from young people from the Spanish orchestra, professionals from Turkey and seniors from Poland and Lithuania. That's why every partner worked in a different way with his participants.
6.1. Polish partner
What concerns the Polish partner, at the beginning the group consisting of 40 participants was organized. While doing the project we regularly had dancing and singing classes, the spectacle rehearsals, 2 courses of the English language, the Facebook course, etc. The monitoring was done during the realization of the whole project. The lists of attendance were filled in at every meeting, workshop and class. Special regulations were worked out, according to them punctuation of the commitment in the project activities was done by every participant as well as the improvement of their artistic skills was also fixed. The choice of the participants for going to the project meeting in every country depended on the number of points.
The following tables were done for the statistics:
1. The table of the prepared compositions and pieces by every Polish participant of the project.
2. The table with the description of all local and common spectacles.
3. The list of attendance in the English language studies and other courses and meetings.
6.2. The Spanish partner organized short seminars about the culture and customs of each partnership country we were going to visit. We didn't organize any English classes, nor ICT course, because the participants had that knowledge. The most important were the artistic skills, so many special rehearsals and master classes were organized for the participants of the project. They learnt many new pieces, between them also Polish and Turkish and at the end of the project achieved much higher musical level than at the start.
6.3 The Turkish partner
At the local meeting organized before the coming mobility, the participants were generally informed about the previous project activities, the partners and countries. After discussing the need of an English course, it was decided to have practical usage of English for daily life phrases. Most of the participants know English at the intermediate level and the others enough to communicate with the participants from other countries. Therefore no specific English course was organized. On the other hand, it was very pleasing to see that all the participants suppressed their excitement when speaking with the others. Foreign language competence was gained.
ICT skills were also increased when considering the high level of usage of communication tools like e-mail, Facebook. In addition, making films and uploading on YouTube gave some of our participants an experience on media tools.
In any case, on top of all, the artistic skills were enormously increased because the participants had the chance to work with the musicians and singers from 3 other countries, to make rehearsals and to perform together in front of public audiences. This was the most important competence gained in the project.
6.4. The Lithuanian partner
Several of the participants were already attending the musical ensemble classes twice per week, while others didn’t. All of them joined those classes to prepare new songs for BASE spectacles. Their singing competence growth was all the time monitored by the artistic coordinator of Lithuanian partner – Arvydas Paulauskas and Lithuanian coordinator Tomas Senūta. The persons having lower skills were given special program of training. First half of the project they had also English courses once per week and Facebook + ICT courses once per week. For both of courses learners were divided into two groups by their competence and skills. Their competence growth was evaluated by English teacher, media coordinator of Lithuanian partner Rūta Vaitkevičiūtė and coordinator of Lithuanian partner Tomas Senūta by special adult teaching methodologies.
7. The quantitative evaluation of the cultural events produced by the project: twice during the project, the coordinators made quantitative estimates of the cultural events and their impact on local communities.
This kind of the evaluation was also done by every partner in a different way.
7.1. The Polish participants showed 13 spectacles for the local community, during which the information about our project was always given. The spectacles were done for different groups of the community: in local clubs, for the disabled people, for seniors from the UTA, etc. Our spectacles were always a success, we had great applause from the audience and we were invited to come again. In total 2012 persons were present at our spectacles. So these invitations and this number of the audience were the evaluation information about our events.
7.2. During the project duration, the Spanish partner in 24 spectacles which were organized by the Foundation included the children's orchestra so means the participants of the project. This orchestra had the concerts and others performances in Alcala, Madrid and other places. There were some interviews on the radio, during which the information about our project was given.
7.3. The Turkish partner
It was not practical for Global Development Association to organize local cultural activities like concerts for the public. Because there is no concert room belonging to GloboDev, it was necessary to rent it. But it was not possible financially. In fact, the financial management of the project was not so easy for GloboDev because the visa applications and long distance flight tickets cost a lot in Turkey.
7.4. The Lithuanian partner
The Lithuanian partner showed 7 public local spectacles with presentations about Petrasiunai community center activities during mobilities of BASE. These spectacles are in more detail described in the Dissemination table of the project which is presented in the project’s web. Some of them have videos, photos or short films presented in project’s Facebook or elsewhere in Youtube or Facebook. Approximately 1550 spectators viewed those spectacles.
Made by:
Danuta Sajur, Hakki Bilgen, Tomas Senuta, Vicente Ariño Pellicer, Helena Łukaszewicz.